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I am in a job but want more

Find out ways of expanding your knowledge and skills while working.

Once you have been in a job for a while you may start to want to learn more, to challenge and grow your skills in different ways


There are many ways of expanding your skills, experience and knowledge.  Your current employer may benefit but it also prepares you  for the future


Start by documenting (writing, drawing, recording) where you are at and start thinking about what skills, knowledge or experience that you want to have.

  1. Removing yourself from your usual work situation is important, go to a park, beach or take a trip.  Take a note pad or mobile to record ideas.

  2. Often people have their own answers/ideas - it's just stress that gets in the way.  Find a way to turn the stress down or just park it for a while.   So you tap into your own answers.

  3. If you need help contact a careers person, coach, mentor or supportive role model or human resource person to talk through your ideas.

  4. Getting fresh ideas from books or articles can trigger and get ideas flowing.  The Guardian and Forbes provide articles on this topic.

  5. Work out if it is a job change or just expanding and growing different skills within the existing job.




Once you know what skills, knowledge and experiences you want to develop.   Explore the options.


  1. There are a lot of different training options that may fit - including full time, part time, online or short courses.  Check out this area. 

  2. Find out about opportunities by expanding your network.

  3. You may want to try something totally new by trying volunteering or Volunteering Northland.

  4. Talk to your existing employer about opportunities within the business.  This could include mentoring, involvement in professional associations, special projects or assignments, or increased responsibilities or duties.

  5. If it means finding a different job look here



Taking action


  1. Careers.govt recommend knowing what you want, developing the skills, building the relationships, and promoting your skills.

  2. Set a SMART goal.  This may mean starting courses, contacting people, sharing your goal with others who can support you - all within certain timeframes.


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